Thursday, March 17, 2011

crunch time!

so here i am, already studying for another series of written and practical exams. yes, last (not this past) monday was my first set of exams and only five classes later am i back in hardcore study mode. this crunch time post is not about studying though!

recently, i've noticed a sudden media spamming effort by a variety of nut groups. and no, i don't mean crazy left or right wing people, i actually mean nuts! peanuts, almonds, pistachios, etc. and not only have i been seeing/reading about them more, but because most of the tarts and cookies from the last unit were nut-based, i've been eating them a lot more.

all i have to say is why wasn't i doing this before?

there are an incredible amount of health benefits from eating them, not to mention that they are a delicious, portable, and non-perishable snack! which means that they are perfect for me, because i have been known to forget to eat, or get frustrated with waiting to eat, and by that point i'm so hungry but i've given up on getting food (i never said i was a model eater, don't be like me!). with a handful of these in my bag though (of course, in a container, not just dropped in the bottom of a purse or something) i will never be without sustenance again. hooray!

all food epiphanies aside, sadly, that's all i have time for. i just wanted to share my small revelation before i put my nose back to the grindstone. i am sure that there will be more nut-lover posts in the future, but for now, i have a date with pâte à choux and, of course, some almonds.

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