Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a note about the name

belle nana sans banane. no, it's not english, and no, it doesn't make sense. so...what is it?

(une) belle nana sans banane literally means a crumpet without bananas. i don't think i've ever necessarily heard of anyone eating crumpets with or without bananas, and if you are in either camp of frequent crumpet-eaters, i applaud you. all of this being said, why on earth did i decide to title this blog this way?

to a small group of people, i'm known as crumpet, which is one of the sweetest nicknames i've had in my brief history. and the banana part? i just don't like them.

not a monumental explanation, but at least it's an answer. and for those who are curious enough to care, it's pronounced: "bel-nah-nah-sohn-bah-nahn" or (for the IPA friendly among you) : /belnanasãbanan/. it has a lovely way of rolling off the tongue, n'est-ce pas?

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